Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Think I'm Turrning Japanese

We split our time in Japan between Tokyo and Osaka. Tokyo everyone knows as a major international city, while Osaka is its smaller, energetic, hip brother to the southwest. Our time in Tokyo was spent people watching, playing video games, and eating, a lot.

We took a train as fast as a speeding bullet to Osaka, where we stayed in a traditional “capsule"
hotel. Its too hard to explain what this means, see pictures.

One of our favorite dining experiences were at Izakaya’s, which are small restaurant/bar‘s. We had a blast at one in Osaka (below), which only seated about 8 people, fairly typical in Japan.

Two of Japan’s most scenic and historic cities, Nara and Kyoto are located right outside of Osaka. We spent a day in each city exploring their famous Buddhist temples and gardens.

Although Japan can appear to be a ‘western’ style city, we found that things were quite different. It is as if they are imitating our culture, but are only using rap music and Brad Pitt movies as research. Some things we found unique to the country.

Traditional Geisha
Deer attending sidewalk stands

Lots of weird statues

Never ending neon

We spent our last day camped out at a Sumo tournament. There are a few 15-day tournaments that take place every year, and we happened to be in Osaka while one was going on. It was a lot of fun. There is a tremendous amount of tradition and a lot of really nasty fat ass.

There are not many tall people in the country and Seth definitely stood out.

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